Rank Choice Voting

How Open Primaries / Rank Choice Voting Works:

➔ No “Party Affiliation” for voters when they check in. All candidates will be listed on the same ballot, Democrat, Republican, Constitutional, or Independent. All voters are given the same ballot.

➔ Voters will “rank” their candidate choices first-last rather than choosing just one on the ballot (everyone gets a trophy!) Republicans will include Democrat and independent candidates in their “ranking choices.”

➔ Voters will need to be educated on ALL candidates in all races. Not just the ones affiliated with their party of choice.

➔ Votes are tabulated in rounds. In the first round, all first choices are counted. If no candidate wins a 50% majority, the lowest vote-getter is eliminated, and ballots listing that candidate as the first choice are recast for their second choice. This process continues until one candidate exceeds 50% and is declared the winner.

➔ If voters rank some, yet not all candidates, and their preferred candidates are eliminated, their votes ultimately do not count.

➔ RCV and Open Primaries are purported to increase voter engagement.

In the May 2024 primary, Bonneville County saw a total of 16,598 votes cast by 14,850 Republican voters, 633 Democrats, 1034 Unaffiliated and 81 either Constitutional or Libertarian voters. (East Idaho Democrats currently claim a 35% “crossover” rate of those affiliated as Democrats who vote for Republican candidates with more centrist or liberal views).

➔ The tabulation process will take longer, especially if no candidate is a clear winner (over 50%) in the first round. Reporting and certification practices will be changed.